Your Feedback is important

To keep improving our services, we need your feedback. Feedback can be compliments, comments and complaints.

We love to hear compliments because it means that we’re getting it right. If you’re happy, we’re happy. If you’re not happy, please tell us.

It’s OK to make a complaint 

We need to know how you feel to help us do better. We’ll always listen and reply to complaints – as quickly as possible. And we’ll try to change things if we can.

You can complain anonymously if you prefer. If you don’t leave your name, we can’t reply to your complaint.

How to provide feedback

Tell us what you think

Phone us:                                Tina McLaren – 0432 532 129             Aly Redfern – 0474 530 111

Email us:                        

Write to us:                             Balanced Account Bookkeeping 523 Caniaba Road Caniaba NSW 2480

Contact the NDIS Commission

If you don’t want to speak to us, or are not satisfied with the result you can talk to the NDIS Commission

Phone them:                           1800 035 544

TTY:                                         133 677 – interpreters can be arranged

Contact Complaint form:

National Relay Service:  then 1800 035 544

Translating and
Interpreting Service:               131 450